Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Capt. Cool - Mahendra Singh Dhoni

Expert Author Peter S HorsfieldFor someone who loves cricket, Mahendra Singh Dhoni would be way beyond passionate. He not only played in all three forms of the game, but actually captained his team and led them to victories in those games. A very talented and hard-playing man, Mahendra has received numerous awards and broken various records in all forms of cricket, and has even been hailed as the best captain that India has ever had.
Yet amidst of all the victories and successes in his career, Mahendra presents himself as a very humble and grateful kind of person. In most of his post-match interviews, Mahendra would always state that it was the cooperation of the entire team or the weaknesses of his opponents that got them to win the match, even though Mahendra had the most contributions to the success of the team during that game. He also never brags about knowing it all; he always tells his interviewers that there would always be another way around, and that you have to keep improving if you want to keep up with the times.
Looking at Mahendra's life and career, we can see that he has right around the same amount of successes and failures. In fact, during the early parts of his cricket career, Mahendra would often suffer a number of defeats before getting a win in the competition. Most of us, if placed in that position would be discouraged and would quit, but not Mahendra. He has an extraordinary amount of positivity that lets him look at a negative circumstance and see something wonderful about it.
This is why in spite of the numerous disappointing circumstances and criticisms that he has encountered throughout his career, Mahendra remained optimistic about his view of life and his passion for cricket. Everytime he encounters a failure or disappointment, Mahendra simply learns from it, shrugs it off and moves on to become better.
While many of us see challenges as obstacles that cause us to stumble and fall, Mahendra sees these things as a means for him to reach higher levels in both his life and his career. Mahendra has an extraordinary eye for spotting the reasons for his failures, which greatly helps him in knowing what area he should improve in.
Mahendra is also a man that is very least affected by criticisms. There have been times in his career that he was most criticized because of his poor performance (albeit much better compared to most other players, just not what the people were expecting from him), but these things never got him shaken from reaching his goal. This is why whenever he makes a comeback from a defeat, he always makes such a comeback that would not only restore his reputation, but would even thrust it further into the spotlight with his record-breaking performances.
Mahendra's life and career serve as an inspiration that any dream or goal is achievable if you really set your sights on it. Practicing diligently, keeping on improving, and never letting discouraging experiences weigh you down are just a few of the things that we could learn from Mahendra Singh Dhoni's life story that would help us to get to that place of such desire and passion that we could achieve any goal in life, no matter how impossible it may seem.
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