Tuesday, November 12, 2013

3 Ways to Prevent Cricket Related Injuries

Cricket is one fun outdoor game that people of all ages and gender can engage in. Playing the game is not only limited to pitching in an oval field as the sport can also be played in backyards or parks for fun. The benefits one get from playing the game has also been proven by studies. It can contribute to the physical, mental and social health of people who participate in it. The muscles, stamina, endurance, balance and coordination are those extremely developed through the years of playing the game. With proper guidance and coaching, it can also foster discipline and a deep sense of camaraderie within the team. Yet, playing the sport is not all about good times. There are also occasions when players get injured. Though these injuries are part of the game, these are not totally unavoidable.
Warm up, Stretch and Cool Down
It is a common practice in sports to do warm up, stretching and cooling down activities. These are time tested preparatory actions that reduces the risks of injuries. Warm-up, which is a low level activity, raises one's body and time temperature to prepare the body for more strenuous physical challenges. This activity gets the heart pumping and increases the blood flow being distributed to the muscles. Stretching before playing cricket, on the other hand, is a proven way to increase flexibility and energy levels. This also enhances muscular coordination. To complete the entire set, do cooling down exercises after playing the game. This activity should last for 5 to 10 minutes or even longer. Studies show that proper cricket coaching dictates that cooling down should be done by players as it allows the gradual return of both heart and respiratory rates. It also helps the body to return to its pre-exercise temperature. This in turn assures that the body has properly transitioned from engaging in very strenuous activity to a state of rest.
Gear Up
Use proper cricket equipment. To do so is not a mere case of vanity. It is actually a sure way to prevent possible injuries. First thing to consider is to wear shoes especially designed for playing cricket. With all the running and other leg activities that the game involves, it is best to wear a footwear specifically designed to guard your feet and facilitate the movement that comes with the activity. Aside from this, ensure that you have all the proper protective gear. These equipments are intended to provide comfort as well and to make certain that there should be no movement restrictions. Choose a well-fitted body padding that includes leg pads, boxes, gloves and forearm guards. Helmets with faceguards should also be used when batting or fielding.
Know the Game
There is no better way protect oneself than to really know the game. Train well and listen closely to the coaching given. Learn about the proper techniques in batting, catching and bowling. Also, learn how to use the equipment in the safest and most proper manner. It would not hurt as well if players follow the rules correctly and practice how to play the game fairly.

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