Tuesday, November 12, 2013

High Quality Cricket Goods Is a Must for Ensuring Performance

Cricket as many of us know is a wonderful sporting spectacle. However, at present there are only 12 test playing nations playing cricket from all over the world. The reminder of the countries who participate in very few major events or tournaments are yet to establish themselves as a cricketing nation at the international arena. International Cricket Council (ICC) has structured their organization in such a manner to protect its fraternity and gives lots of opportunities for these underdog nations to develop their cricket and prove their international credentials.
When it all started couple of centuries ago, there were only 3 or 4 teams that were to known to play high quality cricket and they represented International arena. Now we have come a long way where many new teams have been added to the list as ICC looks to expand and take the sport across the globe.
Cricket as a sport has come a long way. It was traditionally played as a gentleman's sport with elegance and style. The appropriate word that could be used to define the way in which the sport was being played would be orthodox with defined patterns. This face was entirely changed by the cricketing God and Master Sir Donald George Bradman. Many think wrongly that it was Sir Viv Richards who revolutionized the sport.
Viv was indeed an aggressive batsman by nature but it was the don who revolutionized the sport. In those days there were hardly any protective goods used for playing the sport. You barely had a cricketing leg guards made out of cotton and had buckles for tying it around your legs. The cricket batting gloves was made out of cotton with soft padding on top of each and every finger. The moment the 5 and half ounce thing of matter struck you in the fingers at quite a rapid pace, you surely bound to break your finger badly. We all know about the ever debatable Bodyline series and the injuries caused because of the intensions and poor quality equipments used back then in 1932-33 series. Helmets were not even in the frame of the portrait until the late 1980's.
You got struck on your head; you are certainly a dead meat until helmets came into the picture. Bert Oldfield got one his forehead during the 1932-33 Ashes series and if not for his cap's pointy forehead he would have died that day.
The quality of the cricket bats back then was also quite poor. They often used to break or incur damage while playing strokes. In fact you ought to season it for at least 6 months to a year before using it in matches. However, this scenario has changed today. Science and Technology has aided a lot and revolutionized cricketing world by several degrees. Today you have high quality Cricket bats being manufactured out of special willows treated with wonderful chemicals such that you can immediately use it the moment you strip off its cover.
Also today you could find leather gloves with wonderful cushioning that incorporates more protection. The cricket bats have become more powerful because of its sturdiness and essentially mistimed shots can lead into the fence with much ease. The weight of the cricket ball being used in the games still remains to be the same. However, their quality has been drastically improved. Today a ball, ca easily last up to 80 odd over's without being disfigured and the leather pronunciations are more predominant and outlasting as well.
Steffi S Curdy is the copyrighter of Ambersports which contains the sports equipment like cricket bats, batting gloves, leg guard, boxing gloves, boxing shoes, boxing apparels, chess sets, carrom board, shot put, kettlebells and etc.

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