Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Your Support Is Needed

Watching cricket on TV is great but nothing quite compares to watching a live game. Seeing your squad in person battle it out against their bitter rivals in person is so much more fun than sitting and watching it on the telly. There is an atmosphere of friendly rivalry that builds up at a cricket match that does not come through on the TV screen. Of course, by being there in person, you are also showing your local team that you are supporting them. It is sometimes the support of fans that keeps a team going after a bad couple of innings. It is no wonder that so many fans take advantage of the special cricket holidays on offer.
Cricket Holidays within your Home Country
Sometimes you want to support your cricketers when they play away matches against other cities or counties or in league matches. In these cases, the arrangements to be made for cricket holidays are usually fairly simple. You generally book and pay for your hotel, arrange transport, pack and pitch up. It is also advisable, where possible, to buy game tickets ahead of time. You could arrange everything through a local travel agent and have all that taken care of for you.
International Cricket Holidays
Going abroad is a little more difficult. In general, it is advisable to book through a travel agent and seriously consider a guided tour, especially if you have never been to the place before. The first thing you will need is a valid passport. You may also need a visa, depending on which country the cricket holidays are going to be in. You will need local currency - some must be in the form of cash in case you need cash at the airport.
You may need injections or need to take medication in preparation for the trip. This is an especially important step in areas where there is a high risk of catching fever, for example, some areas in Africa are Malaria areas. Scan a copy of your passport and airline tickets and save into a flash drive or disk before you leave. Give them to someone whom you can contact easily and who will be able to get them to you if necessary.
Before the trip, try to read up on the areas to see if there is anything in particular you want to see or to see if there are any safety tips. Also check this with your travel agent.
After all the preparation is done, you only need to pack and be in time for your flight.
Cricket holidays, at home or abroad, are a great way to explore your chosen destination. Although a holiday overseas involves a bit more in terms of preparation, it is definitely worthwhile. Make sure to do some research beforehand and you will be sure to have a holiday of a lifetime.

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